
To be eligible to complete the Autism Friendly Charter training, be invited to commit to uphold the Autism Friendly Charter Principals and be listed on the Autism Friendly Charter Directory, business, organisations, agencies, departments, and authorities must meet the criteria listed below:

Individuals are still welcome to complete the Autism Friendly Charter training, but are not able to add a business listing to the Autism Friendly Business Directory.  

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, we can discuss a range of bespoke options to specifically support your business, organising, agency, department or authority to be more inclusive and accessible to more Australians. This may include tailored training, assessments of your environment, support to run inclusive events, and much more.  

To find out more about more if you are not eligible for the Autism Friendly Charter, contact the Autism SA Training and Consultancy Team at training@autismsa.org.au, phone 1300 autism (1300 288 476) or contact us.