
3 Benefits of registering as an Autism Friendly business

1) You can provide better customer service 

It is estimated that around one in every one hundred Australians are diagnosed as autistic. 
That’s quite a significant proportion of the population that would benefit from access to more supportive, inclusive businesses and organisations. It also represents a large section of the community with whom businesses and organisations could build valuable relationships. 

2) Recognition as an Autism Friendly Business 

It’s always nice to be recognised for doing something positive, the real value in public recognition for being an autism friendly business is that it can make you more welcoming and inclusive to more members of your community. 

When 75% or more of your workforce has completed the online free autism awareness course training, your business is eligible to be listed in the Autism Friendly Directory – an online resource for people on the spectrum to find businesses that are welcoming and inclusive. 

Listed businesses and organisations may also display Autism Friendly Charter branding that publicly shows customers that they are autism friendly supporters. 

3) It’s free and it’s easy 

Lastly, it’s never been easier to become an autism friendly supporter. Our Autism Friendly Charter online autism training is completely free, easily available online and can be completed in an hour or less.  

Eligible businesses and organisations can register for this free online training, and on completion may join the Autism Friendly Charter and be added to our online business directory. 

For more information on the training course and how to register, please see our Register page.